Vimy Ridge – A Proud Moment for Canada

Vimy Ridge Memorial

I sort of remember hearing about the battle of Vimy Ridge in school and I clearly remember a friend telling me her grandfather had fought there but none of that resonated with me in my teenage years when there were more important things to worry about:  the latest Beatles song, new clothes to buy, a babysitting job to find.  So, the impact that Vimy Ridge had on me was totally unexpected.  Like so many Canadians, I am proud of my country but I don’t wear my patriotism on my sleeve, so to speak.  It is more understated.  I was, therefore, totally unprepared for how fiercely proud I felt to be a Canadian when I stood before the memorial at Vimy Ridge where, many say, Canada gained its national identity.

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“Les Plus Beaux Villages” in France

Street in Eguisheim

For anyone who wants to see some of France’s most beautiful villages, a helpful hint is to plan your journey around the locations offically as ”The Most Beautiful Villages in France”.  They are easy to find.  Just check out: and start making your plans.  Some of the most magical and lovely places in France can be easily found this way.  The handy thing about this website is that you can pick a region and locate all the beautiful villages in it.  My French travel plans, regardless of the region, always include researching the villages listed on this site and including them in my itinerary.  It is certainly how I found some of my favourites including:  Yvoire (Haut Savoie), Beynac-et-Cazenac (Dordogne), Eguisheim (Alsace),  Roussillon (Vaucluse), and St. Cirq Lapopie (Lot).  On my “bucket list” is to check off visits to each and every village listed.  Be warned, however, the lovely spots in France are not limited to only the villages listed as France’s most beautiful.  Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately as it opens up so much more to explore, just down the road from many of them are other delightful spots that will cause you to pause and wonder what blemish keeps them from making the list.  So, use the website as a trip planner but be open to going several kilometers in other directions to start compiling your own list!

A Gem on the Cote d’Azur

Villa Rothschild

Villa Rothschild

Perched on a hill on Cap Ferrat on the French Riviera, the Villa Rothschild is one of the prettiest villas one can imagine.  From every window there are spectacular views of the sparkling Mediterranean – east toward Monaco and west across the bay at Villefranche-sur-mer.  This is, simply put, a gem!

We arrived there in June around 5 p.m. after the crowds had left.  We were told by one person on his way out that the 1 1/2 hours we had left before closing would not be enough time for us to see it properly – he might have been right – but we ignored him, bought our tickets and stepped into this lovely mansion and its even more impressive garden.  Our experience was fabulous!

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